

Mia is one of our very kind english bulldog puppies for sale in texas. She was left at the shelter gates. She is 8 weeks old. She is very friendly.

About Mia

“Mia! This darling girl is one of our very kind english bulldog puppies for sale in texas and she is ready to be shown off to your friends! Mia is short, compact with a perfect bullie build. Mia is a gorgeous female english bulldog puppy that wants to light up your life. She has had a complete nose to tail vet check, microchipped and very pre-spoiled. She will love running around town with you doing errands or snuggling at home to relax. Mia is eager to find her forever home. Don’t miss out on this spectacular ” chance.

Adoption Rules

Every Prospective Owner MUST agree to answering our “GET TO KNOW YOU” Checklist sent via email so that we can determine if your living conditions are suitable for bulldogs.

Once you are approved for a puppy, you MUST pay a deposit of 500$ to reserve the puppy while we make arrangements for pick up or delivery.

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